Python is the most popular programming language for new technologies like data science and machine learning.
According to, a Senior Python Developer with Python Certification makes an annual income of $109,280.
Adrian Rosebrock, creator of 'Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python,' believes that Python is the future of AI and machine learning.
Instructor-led DevOps live online Training (Weekday/ Weekend)
According to Statista, Python is used by 48% of coders globally, making it one of the most prominent computer languages in the world. Learning Python will provide you with chances in computer programming, data science, and machine learning.
Live Interactive Learning
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Lifetime Access
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24x7 Support
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Hands-On Project Based Learning
Industry-Relevant Projects
Course Demo Dataset & Files
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Industry Recognized Certification
CertHippo Training Certificate
Graded Performance Certificate
Certificate of Completion
Cloud Lab
Preconfigured Lab Environment
Infrastructure with Tools and Software
Single Sign-On
Need for programming
Advantages of programming
Overview of python
Organizations using python
Python Applications in various domains
Operands and expressions
Conditional statements
Structural pattern matching
Creating the “hello world” code
Numbers in python
Demonstrating conditional statements
Demonstrating loops
Python variables
Using operands and expression
Structural pattern matching
Accepting user input and eval function
Files input/output functions
Strings manipulation
Sets and set operations
Python dictionary
File handling
Creating tuple, list
Creating dictionary
Working with sets
Working with strings
Performing file operations
Using lists, tuples, and dictionary
String manipulation
User-defined functions
Function parameters
Different types of arguments
Global variables
Global keyword
Lambda functions
Built-in functions
Object-oriented concepts
Public, protected and private attributes
Class variable and instance variable
Constructor and destructor
Inheritance and its types
Method resolution order
Overloading and overriding
Getter and setter methods
Working with functions
Creating lambda functions
Using built-In functions
Implementing object-oriented concepts
Inheritance case study
User-defined functions
Lambda functions
Object-oriented programming
Standard libraries
Packages and import statements
Reload function
Creating a module
Important modules in python
Sys module
OS module
Math module
Date-time module
Random module
JSON module
Regular expression
Exception handling
Working with packages and modules
Creating regular expressions
Handling errors and exceptions
Modules in python
Exception handling
Basics of data analysis
NumPy - Arrays
Array operations
Indexing, slicing, and Iterating
NumPy array attributes
Matrix product
NumPy functions
Array manipulation
File handling using NumPy
Matrix Product and aggregate functions using Numpy
Array Creation and logic functions
Array manipulation using NumPy
File operations with NumPy
Introduction to Pandas
Data structures in Pandas
Data Frames
Importing and exporting files in Python
Basic functionalities of a data object
Merging of data objects
Pivoting a dataframe
Concatenation of data objects
Types of joins on data objects
Data cleaning using Pandas
Exploring datasets
Functionality of series
The Functionality of data frame
Combining data from dataset
Data cleaning
Manipulating data with Pandas
Cleaning data with Pandas
Performing dataFrame operations
Introduction to Pandas
Data structures in Pandas
Data Frames
Importing and exporting files in Python
Basic functionalities of a data object
Merging of data objects
Pivoting a dataframe
Concatenation of data objects
Types of joins on data objects
Data cleaning using Pandas
Exploring datasets
Functionality of series
The Functionality of data frame
Combining data from dataset
Data cleaning
Manipulating data with Pandas
Cleaning data with Pandas
Performing data Frame operations
Why data visualization?
Matplotlib library
Line plots
Multiline plots
Bar plot
Pie chart
Scatter plot
Saving charts
Customizing visualizations
Saving plots
Plotting different types of charts
Customizing visualizations using Matplotlib
Customizing visualizations and subplots
Why data visualization?
Matplotlib library
Line plots
Multiline plots
Bar plot
Pie chart
Scatter plot
Saving charts
Customizing visualizations
Saving plots
Plotting different types of charts
Customizing visualizations using Matplotlib
Customizing visualizations and subplots
Visualizing data with Matplotlib
Visualizing data with Seaborn
Customizing visualizations
Ipywidgets package
Numeric widgets
Boolean widgets
Selection widgets
String widgets
Date picker
Color picker
Container widgets
Creating a GUI application
Creating GUI elements
Creating an application containing GUI elements
Working with various widgets
Creating GUI for an application
Use of Folium library
Use of Pandas library
Flow Chart of web map application
Developing web map using Folium and Pandas
Reading Information from titanic dataset and represent It using plots
Creating web map
Creating maps using Folium and Pandas
Beautiful Soup library
Requests library
Scrap All hyperlinks from a webpage using Beautiful Soup and Requests
Plotting charts using Bokeh
Plotting scatterplots using Bokeh
Image editing using OpenCV
Face detection using OpenCV
Motion detection and capturing video
Face detection
Web scraping
Motion detection
Web Scraping
Using OpenCV
Basics of database management
Python MySql
Create database
Create a table
Insert into table
Select query
Where clause
OrderBy clause
Delete query
Drop table
Update query
Limit clause
Join and Self-Join
MongoDB (Unstructured)
Insert_one query
Insert_many query
Update_one query
Update_many query
Create_index query
Drop_index query
Delete and drop collections
Limit query
CRUD operations using Python MySql and MongoDB
Database management systems
Database Integration with Python
Working of database applications
Free Career Counselling
We are happy to help you 24/7
Need for programming
Advantages of programming
Overview of python
Organizations using python
Python Applications in various domains
Operands and expressions
Conditional statements
Structural pattern matching
Creating the “hello world” code
Numbers in python
Demonstrating conditional statements
Demonstrating loops
Skills You will Learn:
Python variables
Using operands and expression
Structural pattern matching
Accepting user input and eval function
Files input/output functions
Strings manipulation
Sets and set operations
Python dictionary
File handling
Creating tuple, list
Creating dictionary
Working with sets
Working with strings
Skills You will Learn:
Performing file operations
Using lists, tuples, and dictionary
String manipulation
User-defined functions
Function parameters
Different types of arguments
Global variables
Global keyword
Lambda functions
Built-in functions
Object-oriented concepts
Public, protected and private attributes
Class variable and instance variable
Constructor and destructor
Inheritance and its types
Method resolution order
Overloading and overriding
Getter and setter methods
Working with functions
Creating lambda functions
Using built-In functions
Implementing object-oriented concepts
Inheritance case study
Skills You will Learn:
User-defined functions
Lambda functions
Object-oriented programming
Standard libraries
Packages and import statements
Reload function
Creating a module
Important modules in python
Sys module
OS module
Math module
Date-time module
Random module
JSON module
Regular expression
Exception handling
Working with packages and modules
Creating regular expressions
Handling errors and exceptions
Skills You will Learn:
Modules in python
Exception handling
Basics of data analysis
NumPy - Arrays
Array operations
Indexing, slicing, and Iterating
NumPy array attributes
Matrix product
NumPy functions
Array manipulation
File handling using NumPy
Matrix Product and aggregate functions using Numpy
Array Creation and logic functions
Skills You will Learn:
Array manipulation using NumPy
File operations with NumPy
Introduction to Pandas
Data structures in Pandas
Data Frames
Importing and exporting files in Python
Basic functionalities of a data object
Merging of data objects
Pivoting a dataframe
Concatenation of data objects
Types of joins on data objects
Data cleaning using Pandas
Exploring datasets
Functionality of series
The Functionality of data frame
Combining data from dataset
Data cleaning
Skills You will Learn:
Manipulating data with Pandas
Cleaning data with Pandas
Performing dataFrame operations
Why data visualization?
Matplotlib library
Line plots
Multiline plots
Bar plot
Pie chart
Scatter plot
Saving charts
Customizing visualizations
Saving plots
Plotting different types of charts
Customizing visualizations using Matplotlib
Customizing visualizations and subplots
Skills You will Learn:
Visualizing data with Matplotlib
Visualizing data with Seaborn
Customizing visualizations
Ipywidgets package
Numeric widgets
Boolean widgets
Selection widgets
String widgets
Date picker
Color picker
Container widgets
Creating a GUI application
Creating GUI elements
Creating an application containing GUI elements
Skills You will Learn:
Working with various widgets
Creating GUI for an application
Use of Folium library
Use of Pandas library
Flow Chart of web map application
Developing web map using Folium and Pandas
Reading Information from titanic dataset and represent It using plots
Creating web map
Skills You will Learn:
Creating maps using Folium and Pandas
Beautiful Soup library
Requests library
Scrap All hyperlinks from a webpage using Beautiful Soup and Requests
Plotting charts using Bokeh
Plotting scatterplots using Bokeh
Image editing using OpenCV
Face detection using OpenCV
Motion detection and capturing video
Face detection
Web scraping
Motion detection
Skills You will Learn:
Web Scraping
Using OpenCV
Basics of database management
Python MySql
Create database
Create a table
Insert into table
Select query
Where clause
OrderBy clause
Delete query
Drop table
Update query
Limit clause
Join and Self-Join
MongoDB (Unstructured)
Insert one query
Insert many query
Update one query
Update many query
Create index query
Drop index query
Delete and drop collections
Limit query
CRUD operations using Python MySql and MongoDB
Skills You will Learn:
Database management systems
Database Integration with Python
Working of database applications
Python is a popular programming language that can be used for both small and big applications. Python enables you to effectively combine web development with data research. Python's widespread acceptance may be attributed in part to its standard library, ease of use, and support for numerous paradigms, including procedural, functional, and object-oriented programming methods. Python modules can connect with a wide range of databases, making it an ideal tool for studying data science and machine learning. If you're seeking for the greatest python education online to further your profession, you've come to the correct spot
"You will never miss a lecture at CertHippo! You can choose either of the two options:
View the recorded session of the Python online class available in your LMS.
You can attend the missed python online training and certification session, in any other live batch."
No, you do not have to be an IT expert to enroll in this course. If you are familiar with programming, you will have an advantage. Numerous non-IT workers have completed the Python Course and have been hired by big MNCs such as Google, TCS, Maxgen Technologies, and others.
Whether you're trying to decide which certification to pursue or want to learn about the top Python certificates, here is the place to be. The following are some of the top Python certification courses available:
●PCEP (Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer)
●PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
●PCPP1 (Certified Professional in Python Programming 1)
●PCPP2 (Certified Professional in Python Programming 2)
●CEPP – Certified Expert in Python Programming
●Microsoft Exam 98-381 (Introduction to Programming Using Python)
CertHippo Python training is suitable for students who wish to receive hands-on experience from highly skilled professional mentors. Python is a pretty simple programming language to learn. Several of our students passed the PCEP Python Entry-level certification on their first try.
All of our educators are industry experts who work in prominent firms and have real-world Python expertise. All of these professional CertHippo -trained individuals deliver Online Python training courses so that you may have a fantastic learning experience.
Python is simple to learn because of its simple syntax and English-like instructions. To become a Python programmer, you must have an advanced understanding of the language and be able to apply it in a variety of applications. The Python online course will provide you with practical experience with Python and the powerful libraries needed to become a Python programmer. offers over 40,000 job ads requiring Python programming knowledge or expertise. The language's widespread acceptance across numerous industries creates a huge number of work possibilities. Python Developer, Python Software Engineer, and Full Stack Developer are all job titles. Python-specific positions pay 43% more than $100,000 a year, with some senior-level Python programming engineers earning more than $200,000. If you have the proper talents, a Python-specific profession may be highly profitable and secure. The most appropriate certification can assist hiring managers in filling certain jobs on their teams.
This Python certification course is appropriate for both new and experienced Python programmers who want to improve their Python abilities. This Python Training course is for any industry professional who wants to learn more about the Python programming language.
You will be able to join the Python certification course on our website by providing your email address and phone number. Online payment methods such as Visa credit or debit card, Master Card, American Express, and others are available. In order to complete the transaction. Check the specifics of the batch and the offers from CertHippo to take the Python training before making a payment.
The following try is only feasible seven days after the date of your last attempt.
Back-end development, data analysis, and software development After Python online certification, web applications are some of the most prominent occupations for Python specialists. You may be required to utilize Python to build, edit, or administer software in these industries. Python may be used to test and debug programming as well as develop websites. Some people who study Python may go on to work in finance, education, project management, computing, or financial services. Python abilities may be used to analyze and calculate massive data sets, as well as to educate people how to use it.
After you've completed the Python Training Course, You will be able to clear the following Python Certifications:
1. Certified Entry-level Python programmer (PCEP)
2. Accredited Associate for Python Programming (PCAP)
3. Certified Professional in Python Programming (PCPP)
The entry-level Python certification has no prerequisites. The CertHippo Python Online course provides you with the information and hands-on experience required to pass this PCEP certification on the first try.
Versatility: Python is a universal language for many applications, including data analysis, machine learning, web development, and scientific computing. This versatility has made Python developers highly valued in various industries, which has helped drive their pay.
Growing Adoption: Python is becoming increasingly popular, especially in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. As businesses look to adopt these technologies, the demand for Python developers is expected to continue to grow, which could drive up their pay even further.
Shortage of Talent: Despite the growing demand for Python developers, this area needs more skilled professionals. This has made it more difficult for businesses to find and hire Python developers, which has helped to drive up their pay.
If you want to enhance your career and gain better positions, a Python certification may be worth considering. It is a popular programming language that is quickly expanding. It is straightforward, adaptable, simple to use, and comprehensive all at once. Python is a fantastic programming language for data visualization, machine learning, and analysis. If you want to work in data science, earning a Python certification should be your first priority.
After you join in CertHippo top Python training courses online, you will have lifetime access to the Python course online content.
Those who have passed the OpenEDG Python Institute General Programming certification programmer are eligible for the CEPP certification. Applicants must obtain an Associate level PCAP certification as well as two professional-level Python certifications, PCPP 1 and PCPP 2.
With the rising reliance on the Internet and Python becoming a more prominent and important role, the typical Python programmer's compensation is bound to rise. Python programming tools are most commonly used in major industries such as banking, aircraft, insurance, health, finance, and information technology. After finishing our Online Python Training Course, you may begin your career in any of these fields.
According to Glassdoor, followings are the top companies will hire python programmers:
Tata Consultancy Services
Maxgen Technologies
Accion Labs
First Student
The cost of being a Python certified varies greatly depending on the nation and course. The PCPP1 and PCPP2 examinations are $195 at the Python Institute, the PCAP exam is $295, and the PCEP exam is $59 at the Python Institute.
In the United States of America (USA), Python developers typically perform the following tasks in their job roles:
Python developers are responsible for designing, making, and keeping complex software systems. They work with various tools and technologies, including databases, web frameworks, and machine learning libraries, to develop scalable and efficient solutions that meet the needs of businesses.
Python is a popular choice for data analysis and processing. Python developers often use it to analyze large amounts of data and extract insights that can inform business decisions.
Python developers are responsible for debugging and optimizing them, ensuring they run smoothly and efficiently. They use tools such as profiling and testing to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks. They work with other team members to design and implement solutions that improve system reliability and scalability.
These are some of the most typical jobs carried out by Python developers in the United States. Nevertheless, depending on the company and the project, the particular duties a Python developer performs might vary greatly.
For Entry-level Python certification, 30 questions will be asked (single, multiple choose questions, drag and drop type, code fill, code insert types, and so on). A score of 70% is required to pass the exam.
If you successfully get this PCEP certification and pass the exam, you will be emailed a digital certificate link. If you want to further your knowledge and skills in Python programming, you must be prepared to take the PCAP certification test ( Accredited Associate in Python Programming ).
It is only possible to take the next attempt after seven days from the date of your last attempt.
According to the latest research and market data from Glassdoor, as a Python developer you will be earning:
Min - ₹4L
Average - ₹7L
Max - ₹15L
According to the latest research and market data from Glassdoor, as a Python developer you will be earning:
Min - ₹4L
Average - ₹7L
Max - ₹15L
Definitely, without a doubt. You may study Python in 3 weeks by enrolling in a python online course at CertHippo.
Your access to the Support Team is permanent and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Throughout and after the Python Course, the staff will assist you in addressing questions.
Upon enrollment, you will have immediate access to the LMS and will have it for the rest of your life. You will get access to all past class recordings, PPTs, PDFs, and assignments. Access to our 24x7 support team will also be available immediately. You may begin learning immediately.
You don't need to go any further if you've viewed any of our sample class recordings. Enrollment is a contract between you and us in which you pledge to be a good learner and we promise to provide you with the greatest learning environment possible. Our Python online course sessions are an important component of your learning since they are built on the foundations of knowledgeable and helpful teachers, devoted Personal Learning Managers, and interactions with your peers. Thus, instead of a demo session, enjoy entire learning. In any situation, you are protected by the Certhippo Guarantee, our no-questions-asked, full-refund guarantee.
More than 70% of CertHippo Learners reported job profile modifications (promotion), work location changes (onsite), lateral transfers, and new job offers. CertHippo accredited Python Course is highly acknowledged in the IT world as a testament to the rigorous and practical learning you have received, as well as the real-life projects you have completed.
PCAP (Certified Associate Python Programming) is an intermediate level of Python programming certification. This certification assesses your Python code abilities, including design, debugging, execution, and a focus on the Object-oriented approach to Python programming.
The Python Course covers both fundamental and advanced Python ideas such as authoring Python scripts, sequence and file operations, object-oriented concepts, and web scraping. Throughout this online Python training, you will learn about numerous important and extensively used Python libraries, including Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
Python is a renowned, versatile, and powerful open-source language that you will master in this online Python training course. Python is simple to learn and use, with strong modules for data processing and analysis. Python has been utilized in scientific computing and highly quantitative fields such as Finance, Oil and Gas, Physics, Signal Processing, and so on for over a decade, which has raised demand for Python certification training. It is now the most popular programming language for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Web Development, and DevOps.
Upon completing this Python Online course, you will be able to:
Write Python scripts for software development
Create charts and plots for interactive data visualizations
Use data manipulation techniques for data analysis
Perform data extraction from a website
Use GUI widgets to enhance the user interface of your application
Integrate databases with Python using Python MySQL and MongoDB
This Python Certification Training Course is a good fit for the below professionals:
Programmers, Developers, Technical Leads, Architects, Freshers
Data Scientists, Data Analysts
Statisticians and Analysts
Business Analysts
Project Managers
Business Intelligence Managers
There are no prerequisites for enrolling in the Python Training Course Online. A fundamental familiarity of computer programming terms, on the other hand, is advantageous.
Here is what it takes to install Python:
A system with an Intel i3 processor or above
A minimum of 3GB RAM (4GB or above recommended for faster processing)
Operating system: 32 bit or 64 bit
Your assignments/case studies will be completed using Jupyter Notebook, which is already installed on your Cloud LAB environment (access it from a browser). Your LMS has the access credentials. If you have any questions, the Support Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Case Study #1:
Domain: Banking
Problem Statement: FinBank is the most recent arrival into Thailand's banking sector. Before now, creating a bank account required manual verification via a photocopy of the authorized id card paperwork. Nevertheless, they have recently implemented a system in which the customers' fingerprints will be linked with the newly created Unique Id for Thai people by the Thai government. FinBank should now check clients' fingerprints and Unique Ids.
Case Study #2:
Domain: Marketing
Problem Statement: The Bank of Portugal is running a marketing effort to sell loans to customers. Only consumers having a profession are eligible for the loan. The attached dataset contains a list of successful campaigns (complete with customer data). You must create a software that reads the file and creates a set of unique profession lists, and when the client's profession data is given into the system, the system must be able to determine if the customer is eligible for the loan.
Case Study #3:
Domain: E-Commerce
Problem Statement: GoodsKart—largest e-commerce company in Indonesia with a revenue of $2B+ acquired another e-commerce company FairDeal. FairDeal has its own IT system to maintain records of a customer, sales, etc. For ease of maintenance and cost savings, GoodsKart is integrating customer databases of both the organizations; hence customer data of FairDeal has to be converted in GoodsKart Customer Format.
Case Study #4:
Domain: Education
Problem Statement: You work as a data analyst at the University of California, correct? USA University contains statistics on sophomore students' Math, Physics, and Data Structure scores. This information is saved in many files. The university has engaged a data science firm to analyze the results and see whether there is any association between the scores and age, ethnicity, and so on. You must perform data wrangling before delivering the data to the firm.
Case Study #5:
Domain: Retail
Problem Statement: BigMart is one of Europe's largest retailers, with operations in several countries. You work as a data analyst for BigMart's IT department. You have access to invoice and SKU-level sales data for 2011. It would be beneficial if you generated relevant charts to present to upper management the various sales patterns for 2011.
Python Project:
Domain: 911 Calls
Problem Statement: We will be studying 911 call data from Kaggle for our capstone project. This information comes from Montgomery County in the United States of America. In the United States, 911 is the most significant social security component. People can dial 911 in the event of an emergency, such as a crime, medical emergency, traffic accident, or fire. As a data analyst, you must evaluate and visualize the data as well as respond to the section's question.
Certhippo is a high end IT services, training & consulting organization providing IT services, training & consulting in the field of Cloud Coumputing.
CertHippo 16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, Delaware 19958, USA
CALL US : +1 302 956 2015 (USA)
Courses Category
Job Support | Interview Preparation | Profile Marketing | Resume Preparation | Certificate Assistance | Courses | ACFE | TerraForm | JIRA | IBBA | ASQ | ACAMS | ASCM | The Open Group | Check Point | Product Trainings | Security Operations Center | Cloud Security Alliance | Data Privacy | IAPP | ISO | (ISC)² | PMI | SALESFORCE | SPLUNK | CISCO | ISACA | AWS | EC-Council | CompTIA | MICROSOFT | Other | Frontend Development | Architecture & Design Patterns | Operating Systems | Mobile Development | Databases | Blockchain | Digital Marketing | Artificial Intelligence | Robotic Process Automation | Data Warehousing and ETL | Programming & Frameworks | Big Data | Project Management and Methodologies | Software Testing | Data Science | Cyber Security | BI and Visualization | DevOPS | Cloud Computing |