CertHippo iOS App Development Certification Training can help you become an Expert in iOS App Development by studying concepts such as Swift, Core Data, Networking, and iCloud development while working on industry-specific use-cases and projects.
CertHippo iOS App Development Certification Training can help you become an Expert in iOS App Development by studying concepts such as Swift, Core Data, Networking, and iCloud development while working on industry-specific use-cases and projects.
There are 2.2 million apps on the App Store, with 130 billion downloads and $6 billion in money gained by programmers.
The iOS market is predicted to achieve 15% market share by 2019, with a 7.3% CAGR. - IDC
According to Indeed.com, the average income for an iOS Developer is $115k.
Instructor-led DevOps live online Training (Weekday/ Weekend)
iOS App Development Certification Training offers benefits such as gaining an in-depth understanding of iOS platform and programming languages, practical experience in building real-world iOS apps, improving problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and networking opportunities. It can enhance mobile app development skills and advance careers in a fast-growing field.
Live Interactive Learning
World-Class Instructors
Expert-Led Mentoring Sessions
Instant doubt clearing
Lifetime Access
Course Access Never Expires
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Unlimited Access to Course Content
24x7 Support
One-On-One Learning Assistance
Help Desk Support
Resolve Doubts in Real-time
Hands-On Project Based Learning
Industry-Relevant Projects
Course Demo Dataset & Files
Quizzes & Assignments
Industry Recognized Certification
CertHippo Training Certificate
Graded Performance Certificate
Certificate of Completion
Preconfigured Lab Environment
Infrastructure with Tools and Software
Single Sign-On
Introduction to Swift
Introduction to XCode IDE
Structure of Swift program
Compiling and building a Hello world
Swift Playground
Basic Syntax
Variables and data types
Structs and Classes
Working with collections
Protocols and Extensions
Automatic Reference Counting
Learning Objectives:This lesson will walk you through the installation of XCode and the iOS SDK. You will learn how to make a simple iOS application. You'll also study the fundamentals of iOS application development. We will learn how to test iOS applications using the iOS simulator.
Installing XCode and iOS SDK
Understanding XCode
Creating a simple iOS app
Project templates
Introduction to pillars of iOS app development-Tools-XCode
iOS Simulator
Language- Swift
Design patterns
Using iOS Simulator
MVC pattern in iOS app development
Lifecycle of iOS Application
Understanding Delegation
iOS View Controllers
Creating UI
Introduction to Layout and Views
Designing responsive interfaces with Auto layout
Create a sample UI
Walkthrough of controllers
Debugging iOS application
Learning Objectives: This lesson will focus on Table Views and Collection Views, which are two of the most often used views in any iOS application. You will learn how to construct Table Views and Collection Views and how to conduct various operations on them.
Introduction to Table View
Creating a basic table view and data source
Loading data into TableView
Reusing table view cells
Customizing table views
UI CollectionView
UI RefreshControl
Introduction to multiple-view applications
Using navigation controller
Introduction to a master-detail application
Creating a tab-bar-driven application
Learning Objectives: This session will teach you how to design applications that function on both the iPhone and the iPad. You will learn how to support multiple screens by using Size Classes. This session will also show you how to take photographs from your camera or from your gallery.
Master-detail application
Using Size Classes for Adaptive Layout
Using Camera & Gallery to Capture Images
Learning Objectives: This session will teach you about the iOS Animation framework while working on Core Animation and UIKit Dynamics. You will also be taught how to use the Facebook Pop Animation framework. You'll also learn how to record device position and show it on a map. Last but not least, this module will show you how to share content directly from your iOS app using UIActivityViewController.
Animations- Core Animation
UIKit Dynamics
Facebook Pop Animation
Working with Maps- MKMapItem and MKPlacemark
UIActivityViewController to perform Social Sharing
Learning Objectives: This lesson will teach you how to construct iOS applications that can execute network activities by utilizing the famous Alamofire open source framework. You will also learn how to work with JSON data using the SwiftJSON library and image caching using HanekeSwift.
Networking with Alamofire
SwiftyJSON & HanekeSwift
Introduction to networking in iOS application
Adding/Managing frameworks using Carthage
JSON Handling using SwiftJSON
Performing Networking using Alamofire
Downloading & Caching images using HanekeSwift
Learning Objectives: You will be able to work with the Core Data database framework after completing this module. You will be doing CRUD operations on Data. You will also learn how to leverage the many storage choices available in the iOS SDK.
iOS data persistence
Using NS User Defaults to store and read information
Property Lists-Working with Core data
Introduction to Core Data
Creating models with entities
Saving models
Fetching model
Edit and remove models
Sample application implementing Core data
Learning Objectives: This lesson will show you how to use Cloudkit and Parse to save and retrieve data from the cloud. We will also walk you through the entire process of submitting an application to the Apple App Store.
Implementing CloudKit Storage
Interact with Parse backend
Localizing Application
Submitting an App to Apple App Store
Free Career Counselling
We are happy to help you 24/7
After completing the project successfully (as determined by a Certhippo expert), you will be granted CertHippo iOS App Developer certificate.
CertHippo certification is widely recognized in the industry, and we are the chosen training partner for many multinational corporations, including Cisco, Ford, Mphasis, Nokia, Wipro, Accenture, IBM, Philips, Citi, Ford, Mindtree, BNY Mellon, and others. Please be confident.
"At CertHippo, you will never miss a lecture!" You can select one of two options:
View the class's recorded session, which is available in your LMS.
You can make up for the missing session by attending any other live batch."
Your access to the Support Team is permanent and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The staff will assist you in addressing any issues that arise during and after the training.
Following enrollment, you will have immediate access to the LMS and will have it for the rest of your life. You will get access to all past class recordings, PPTs, PDFs, and assignments. Access to our 24x7 support team will also be available immediately. You may begin learning immediately.
Yes, once you join in the course, you will have lifetime access to the course materials.
We have included a resume creation feature in your LMS to assist you in this endeavor. You may now design a winning CV in just three simple steps. You will have unrestricted access to these templates across all roles and designations. All you have to do is sign in to your LMS and select the "create your resume" option.
CertHippo's instructors are all industry practitioners with at least 10-12 years of relevant IT experience. They are subject matter experts who have been educated by CertHippo to provide participants with an amazing learning experience.
You can give us a CALL at +1 302 956 2015 (US) OR email at info@certhippo.com
The course is intended for professionals who wish to master iOS app development using Apple's brand new language, Swift. This training is open to the following professionals:
Architects and developers of software
Developers of Mobile Apps
Managers of Projects
Professionals in Testing
Mainframe Specialists
Graduates seeking a job in iOS App Development
Mobile applications are widely used nowadays, and mobile developers are in high demand. The iOS App Store is more akin to a market where you can sell outstanding programmes created using iOS technology. Apple invites almost anybody to experiment with iOS programming. Apple's developer programme is available for $99 per year, programming tools are freely available, and CertHippo's "iOS App Development using Swift" course enables developers to construct excellent iOS applications.
This course requires a basic understanding of Object Oriented Programming Language. Knowledge in Objective C, Java, and JavaScript will be advantageous.
Mac computer with Yosemite operating system, 4GB RAM, and 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. If you do not own a Mac, we will assist you with renting a remote Mac over the cloud. You may also utilize any other service provider to carry out the practicals.
We will assist you in installing the Xcode IDE on your system for your practical work. This will be a local connection for you. The complete step-by-step installation directions will be available in your LMS to assist you in installing and configuring the environment. The support staff will walk you through the steps.
Toward the conclusion of the Course, you will be working on a live project in which you will use the Swift programming language to create beautiful and efficient iOS applications.
E-commerce application development is the name of the project.
Business: E-commerce
Problem Statement: Develop an e-commerce application for the iOS platform that allows users to explore and purchase available items.
Certhippo is a high end IT services, training & consulting organization providing IT services, training & consulting in the field of Cloud Coumputing.
CertHippo 16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, Delaware 19958, USA
CALL US : +1 302 956 2015 (USA)
EMAIL : info@certhippo.com
Courses Category
Job Support | Interview Preparation | Profile Marketing | Resume Preparation | Certificate Assistance | Courses | ACFE | TerraForm | JIRA | IBBA | ASQ | ACAMS | ASCM | The Open Group | Check Point | Product Trainings | Security Operations Center | Cloud Security Alliance | Data Privacy | IAPP | ISO | (ISC)² | PMI | SALESFORCE | SPLUNK | CISCO | ISACA | AWS | EC-Council | CompTIA | MICROSOFT | Other | Frontend Development | Architecture & Design Patterns | Operating Systems | Mobile Development | Databases | Blockchain | Digital Marketing | Artificial Intelligence | Robotic Process Automation | Data Warehousing and ETL | Programming & Frameworks | Big Data | Project Management and Methodologies | Software Testing | Data Science | Cyber Security | BI and Visualization | DevOPS | Cloud Computing |